Study on the Effect of Anesthesia Application of Nalbuphine Hydrochloride Combined with Propofol in Painless Gastroscopy

Wei-Lai Zhou


In recent years, with the increase of patients with gastric disease, gastric examination has become more important, painless gastroscopy is very common in medicine, and the drugs with fast effect and safety are the most commonly used drugs nowadays. Among them, propofol injection has fast effect and quick awakening, which is suitable for painless gastroscopy, but it has certain limitations, and its shortcomings are mainly refected in the serious suppression in the whistle drug, and the required dosage is large, and currently the clinical application of composite opium and other analgesic drugs in order to minimize the adverse reactions and reduce the consumption of propofol.


Nalbuphine hydrochloride; Propofol; Painless gastroscopy;Anesthesia application

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