宋文豪 ( 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院 )
文 军 ( 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院 )
姚远哲 ( 电子科技大学信息与软件工程学院 )
集群计算; 计费系统; 资源管理; 系统负载; 服务质量Full Text
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[2]袁玉宇,胡文博,基于IaaS云计算平台的弹性计费模型,中兴通讯技术, 2012,18(06):34-37.
[3]Cloud A E C,Amazon web services,Retrieved November, 2011,9.
[4]Chappell D,Introducing the windows azure platform,David Chappell & Associates White Paper, 2010.
[5]McGinnis,Thigpen,etc,Accounting and accountability or distributed and grid system,2nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium in Cluster Computing and Grid. 2002(5).
[6]Alexander Barmouta,etc,A grid accounting services architecture for distributed systems sharing and integration, 2006.2.
[7]胡军,崔毅东, OpenStack环境下计费系统的研究,北京:中国科技论文在线.
[8]肖哲彬,基于浮动利率的PaaS平台计量计费系统设计与实现,哈尔滨工业大学, 2017.
[9]Narayan A,Rao S,Ranjan G,et al,Smart metering of cloud services, 2012 IEEE International.IEEE, 2012:1-7.
[10]Borthakur D,HDFS architecture guide,Hadoop Apache Project, 2008,53.
[11]Karun A K,Chitharanjan K,A review on hadoop—HDFS infrastructure extensions, 2013 IEEE Conference on.IEEE, 2013:132-137.
[12]Wu J,Ping L,Ge X,et al,Cloud storage as the infrastructure of cloud computing, 2010 International Conference on.IEEE, 2010:380-383.
[13]Dean J,Ghemawat S,MapReduce:simplified data processing on large clusters,ACM, 2008.
[14]Kim K H,Youn H S,Kang Y C,Short-term load forecasting for special days in anomalous load conditions using neural networks and fuzzy inference method,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2000,15(2):559-565.
[15]OmPrakash D,Waheed M A,A Virtual Machine Resource Management Method with Millisecond Precision, 2017.
[16]Chen J,System and method for monitoring and managing logistics resource information:U.S. Patent Application 09/973,305, 2003-4-1
Copyright © 2021 宋文豪, 文 军, 姚远哲

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