张弛 ( 海南大学信息与通信工程学院 )
李晖 ( 海南大学信息与通信工程学院 )
MIMO; 卫星; 双极化; 分布式; 相关性; 信道容量Full Text
[1]关田静.多体制融合的海上卫星通信网络建设研究[J].无线互联科技, 2017(18):5-6.
[2]王文革.海上通信方式选择[J].中国海事, 2016(08):47-48+52.
[3]田向阳,乔文长.北斗导航系统在船舶海上航行中的应用研究[J].数字技术与应用, 2017(8):54-56
[4]Ketchum J W,Wallace M,Walton R J,et al.Pilots for MIMO communication systems[J]. 2016.
[5]Tarokh V,Jafarkhani H,Calderbank A R.Space-time block codes from orthogonal designs[J].IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1999,45(5):1456-1467.
[6]Golden G D,Foschini C J,Valenzuela R A,et al.Detection algorithm and initial laboratory results using V-BLAST space-time communication architecture[J].Electronics Letters, 1999,35(1):14-16.
[7]Paulraj A J,Gore D A,Nabar R U,et al.An overview of MIMO communications-Akey to gigabit wireless.Proceedings of the IEEE.92.198-218.10.1109/JPROC. 2003.821915.
[8]Larsson E,Tufvesson F,Edfors O,Marzetta,et al.Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Systems.Submitted to IEEE Commun.Mag...52.10.1109/MCOM. 2014.6736761.
[9]Evans B G.Satellite communication systems[M]//Satellite Communication Systems. 1999.
[10]Arapoglou P D,Liolis K,Bertinelli M,et al.MIMO over Satellite:A Review[J].IEEE communications Surveys&Tutorials, 2011,13(1):0-51.
[11]Schwarz R T,Knopp A,Ogermann D,et al.Optimum-Capacity MIMO Satellite Link for Fixed and Mobile Services[C].Proc.WSA 2008,pp.209-216.
[12]Telatar E.Capacity of Multi-antenna Gaussian Channels[J].European Transactions on Telecommunications, 1999,10(6):585-595.
[13]Tang X,Hua Y.Optimal Design of Non-Regenerative MIMO Wireless Relays[J].IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2007,6(4):1398-1407.
[14]Vasseur H.Degradation of availability performance in dual-polarized satellite communications systems[J].IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2000,48(3):465-472.
[15]Dantona V,Schwarz R T,Lankl B.Uniform Circular Arrays:the Key to Optimum Channel Capacity in Mobile MIMO Satellite Links[C]//Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference&the Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop.IEEE, 2010.
[16]Knopp A,Schwarz R T,Ogermann D,et al.Satellite System Design Examples for Maximum MIMO Spectral Efficiency in LOS Channels[C]//IEEE Globecom IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference.IEEE, 2008.
[17]Yamashita F.et al.,Broadband multiple satellite MIMO system.Proc.VTC-2005-Fall,pp.2632-2636.
[2]王文革.海上通信方式选择[J].中国海事, 2016(08):47-48+52.
[3]田向阳,乔文长.北斗导航系统在船舶海上航行中的应用研究[J].数字技术与应用, 2017(8):54-56
[4]Ketchum J W,Wallace M,Walton R J,et al.Pilots for MIMO communication systems[J]. 2016.
[5]Tarokh V,Jafarkhani H,Calderbank A R.Space-time block codes from orthogonal designs[J].IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1999,45(5):1456-1467.
[6]Golden G D,Foschini C J,Valenzuela R A,et al.Detection algorithm and initial laboratory results using V-BLAST space-time communication architecture[J].Electronics Letters, 1999,35(1):14-16.
[7]Paulraj A J,Gore D A,Nabar R U,et al.An overview of MIMO communications-Akey to gigabit wireless.Proceedings of the IEEE.92.198-218.10.1109/JPROC. 2003.821915.
[8]Larsson E,Tufvesson F,Edfors O,Marzetta,et al.Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Systems.Submitted to IEEE Commun.Mag...52.10.1109/MCOM. 2014.6736761.
[9]Evans B G.Satellite communication systems[M]//Satellite Communication Systems. 1999.
[10]Arapoglou P D,Liolis K,Bertinelli M,et al.MIMO over Satellite:A Review[J].IEEE communications Surveys&Tutorials, 2011,13(1):0-51.
[11]Schwarz R T,Knopp A,Ogermann D,et al.Optimum-Capacity MIMO Satellite Link for Fixed and Mobile Services[C].Proc.WSA 2008,pp.209-216.
[12]Telatar E.Capacity of Multi-antenna Gaussian Channels[J].European Transactions on Telecommunications, 1999,10(6):585-595.
[13]Tang X,Hua Y.Optimal Design of Non-Regenerative MIMO Wireless Relays[J].IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2007,6(4):1398-1407.
[14]Vasseur H.Degradation of availability performance in dual-polarized satellite communications systems[J].IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2000,48(3):465-472.
[15]Dantona V,Schwarz R T,Lankl B.Uniform Circular Arrays:the Key to Optimum Channel Capacity in Mobile MIMO Satellite Links[C]//Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference&the Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop.IEEE, 2010.
[16]Knopp A,Schwarz R T,Ogermann D,et al.Satellite System Design Examples for Maximum MIMO Spectral Efficiency in LOS Channels[C]//IEEE Globecom IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference.IEEE, 2008.
[17]Yamashita F.et al.,Broadband multiple satellite MIMO system.Proc.VTC-2005-Fall,pp.2632-2636.
Copyright © 2020 张弛, 李晖

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