A Case of Color Doppler Ultrasound Diagnosis of Carotid Body Tumor

Chun-Ming Chang ( Yunnan ChuXiong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, ChuXiong City 675000, Yunnan Province, China )



Carotid body tumor is a rare type of paraganglioma that occurs outside the sheath of the carotid artery, with a predilection for individuals aged 40 to 60, and an equal incidence in both men and women. Due to limited understanding of carotid body tumors, they are often missed or misdiagnosed on ultrasound examination. Although most carotid body tumors grow slowly, their special location in the neck, rich blood supply, and the difficulty of surgery, combined with a certain tendency for malignant transformation, have led to increasing clinical attention to carotid body tumors, making early diagnosis of vital clinical significance. This paper presents a retrospective analysis of a case of carotid body tumor, aiming to explore the diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of carotid body tumors.


Color Doppler Ultrasound; Carotid Body Tumor; Clinical Significance

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