
Research Interests: design and fabricate functional nanomaterials for applications in plasmonic and optoelectronic devices such as solar cells; energy storage devices, catalytic and photocatalytic processes, molecular sensing, and biomedical applications.
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Research Interests: Large-scale computational simulation of structure and properties across all of scientific disciplines: biophysics, physics, chemistry and materials science.

Research Interests: theoretical physics; condensed matter; biophysics; physical chemistry; nanoscience and nanotechnology; nanocarbon based composites; toxicology; biomedical applications.

Research Interests: Microbiology; Food Science; Biotecnology; Natural products; Biological activities Diseases; Fermentation.

Research Interests: Synthesis and characterization of polymers (biodegradable and biobased polymers) for engineering application and food packaging; Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology.

Research Interests: development of new drug delivery systems by means of colloidal carriers; structural characterization of proteins entrapped into micro- and nanocarriers; lyophilization of biopharmaceuticals; targeted and controlled delivery of drugs across biological barriers; solid state characterization of pharmaceuticals and drying of pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals.

Research Interests: biomaterials; biomedical applications; environmental applications; nanoparticles; antimicrobial properties; structural properties; surface properties; surface properties; antimicrobial coatings; pharmaceutical applications; colloidal properties.

Research Interests: Service and Autonomous Robots; Humanitarian Demining and Robotics; Electrical Autonomous Cars/Vehicles supported by Machine learning techniques; Development of Nanorobotics systems for biomedical purposes; Robots for physically impaired people using biological signals (EEG and EMG); Industry 4.0 (Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) and WSNs; EchoMechatronics and Bioinspired Design; Telecooperation, Distributed Mixed Realities, and Collaborative Control; Intelligent and Nonlinear Control; Intelligent Drone systems: Navigation; Robotics and Industrial Automation.

Research Interests: science and technology at the nanoscale and material science to push scientific boundaries in diverse areas of materials science, chemistry, energy, environmental science, biomedicine, biotechnology, catalysis, and laser-based analytical methods.

Research Interests: focuse on the development of carbon nanotubes, metal nanoparticles; synthesis of renewable biopolymer composites; synthesis of polymer hydrogels; and electrospun nanofibers for biomedical and environmental applications.

Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence; Electronics; Control; Biomedical systems.

Research Interests: Bio-materials; Bioprinting; Polymer materials and Recycling plastics.

Research Interests: Nanomaterials design and development; photocatalysis; Environmental Pollution Management.

Research Interests: use of antifreeze and ice nucleating proteins in tissue cryopreservation.

Research Interests: radiation chemistry, fluorinated polymers, and the synthesis of smart polymers and drug delivery.

Research Interests: design of implantable/wearable flexible bioelectronic with multi-dimensional (semi-) conductive materials and soft biomedical materials; and their applications in the fields of sensing/intervention technology for acute wound repairing, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and nerve electrophysiology.

Kepa Iturralde is a Züblin endowed Junior-Professor and holds the Chair of Digital Transformation in Construction at the University of Stuttgart. He is focused on developing robotic, automation, and digital processes in the construction industry, with special focus on building renovation. He has participated in several H2020 projects such as BERTIM, HEPHAESTUS and ENSNARE.

Research Interests: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM); Damage Detections and Repairs; Impact Studies; Composite and Bio composite Materials; Signal Processing and Instrumentations; Non-Destructive Testing and Destructive Testing.

Research Interests: Obesity and Metabolic syndrome associated with liver and gastrointestinal diseases [Fatty Liver, (liver cirrhosis and its complications, hepatic encephalopathy, portal hypertension, and hepatocellular carcinoma) and gallstone disease].

Research Interests: nanotechnology; Biotechnology; Pharmaceuticals wastewater treatment; Bioremediation of waste.

Research Interests: Lung Biolog; Lung-Viral infection (SARS-CoV-2); Tumor immunology; Viral immunology.

Research Interests: Biomedical Imaging & Image Processing; Biomedical Devices & Instrumentation; Biomedical Signal Processing.