Tape Casting Technique for Fabrication of Piezoelectric Ceramics and Other Multilayered Devices-A Review
Prasanta Kumar Panda ( CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore )
Benudhar Sahoo ( CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories )
Tape casting is a preferred technique for fabrication of micron sized thin sheets and multi-layered stacks. This technique can be used for all types of materials available in powder form. Therefore, this is a versatile technique used for fabrication of capacitors, piezoelectric multi-layered stacks, functional gradient materials, low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) etc. involving all types of metals, ceramics and polymers. In this article, tape casting method is reviewed including the slurry preparation and role of various ingredients. This technique is widely used for fabrication of piezoelectric multi-layered stacks in order to reduce the “driving voltage” up to few volts for micro-meter sized thin layers. The preparation methodology of slurry making for tape casting and role of various ingredients are discussed in detail including multi-layered fabrication of devices. Typical tape casting examples of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and barium strontium zirconate titanate (BSZT) lead free piezo materials are also presented. Various application of tape casting in recent years has been reviewed.
Tape casting; Slurry; Binder; Plasticizer; Multilayered stackFull Text
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