The editorial process at the Omniscient Pte. Ltd. includes the following steps:
1. Pre-check: After submission, the manuscript will be pre-checked to make sure it meets the journal’s editorial standards, including the originality checking, structure, suitability, the order of references, relevant declarations, etc. Poorly-prepared manuscripts may be rejected at this stage.
2. Initial Review: Once the manuscript passed the pre-check, it will be sent to an academic editor (Editor-in-Chief/Associate Editor/Guest Editor) for initial review from the aspects of the novelty, accuracy, scientific and ethical issues, etc.
3. Peer Review: A minimum of 2 reviewers will give their professional comments and recommendations on the manuscript, who are authorities in the selected fields. This journal uses double-blind peer review, which means that the reviewers' identities are concealed from the author, but the reviewers are aware of the identity of the author, throughout the review process. At least two qualified review reports will be collected for each submission. For more information, please refer to Peer Review Guideline.
4. Author Revision: By considering the reviewers' comments and the quality of the manuscript, the academic editor will give a decision on the manuscript (Accept, Revisions Required, Resubmit for Review or Reject). If minor revision is recommended, the author is required to submit the revised manuscript within one week; If major revision is recommended, the author is required to submit the revised manuscript within two weeks. In either case, the revised manuscript should be accompanied by a separate point-by-point response to reviewers' comments.
5. Editor’s Decision: After a careful and comprehensive assessment of the revised manuscript, the Editor-in-chief will make a final decision. If the manuscript is accepted, production and publication will be arranged. If the revised manuscript is not very satisfactory, the author is required to make a second revision. If the second revised manuscript is still unacceptable as its current form, it may be rejected.
6. Acceptance: Once the manuscript is accepted, the editorial office will send an Acceptance Letter to author.
7. Production: All accepted manuscripts are subjected to language editing, copy editing and conversion to XML. Before publication, a PDF version of the manuscript will be provided to the author for proofreading.