Comparative Study of the Compressive Strength of Different Commercial Graphite Grades at Room and High Temperatures
Michele Ballan ( Legnaro National Laboratories, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Legnaro 35020, Italy. )
Stefano Corradetti ( Legnaro National Laboratories, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Legnaro 35020, Italy. )
Lisa Centofante ( Legnaro National Laboratories, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Legnaro 35020, Italy. )
Alberto Monetti ( Legnaro National Laboratories, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Legnaro 35020, Italy. )
Mattia Manzolaro ( Legnaro National Laboratories, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Legnaro 35020, Italy; Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, Padua 35131, Italy. )
Giovanni Meneghetti ( Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua, Padua 35131, Italy. )
Graphite is often employed for several high temperature research and industrial applications, thanks to its refractoriness and its physical properties such as high thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion and excellent thermal shock resistance. However, its mechanical properties at high temperatures are often unknown and are strongly influenced by its microstructure and composition. This work is focused on a comparative analysis of the compressive strength up to 2000 oC of three different commercial graphite grades provided by TOYO TANSO. Two grades of the same kind but different density, IG-43 and IG-45, and a grade with finer grains, TTK-4, were considered. Such materials were selected as their nominal physical and chemical properties are suitable for withstanding the extreme working conditions typical of nuclear applications characterized by high temperature, high vacuum and radiation damage. For the performance of the compressive tests, a custom-built vacuum experimental equipment was used, capable of resistively heating conductive samples at a temperature level up to 2000 oC. Specimens with an hourglass shape were manufactured and tested in triplicate at room-temperature, 1000 oC and 2000 oC for each type of graphite. The dependence of the compressive strength on the graphite grade density and microstructure was highlighted, resulting in higher resistance for denser grades, in accordance with data reported by the supplier. Results collected for the room-temperature tests were consistent with the material datasheets, whereas at 2000 oC, an increase of approximately 30%-40% of the compressive strength was displayed compared to its room-temperature value.
Graphite; Compressive strength; High temperature; Hourglass-shaped specimenFull Text
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Copyright © 2023 Michele Ballan, Stefano Corradetti, Lisa Centofante, Alberto Monetti, Mattia Manzolaro, Giovanni Meneghetti

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License