Optical Properties of the Crystalline Silicon-black Silicon-perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Ferdinand Gasparyan ( Yerevan State University, 1, Alex Manoogian St., Yerevan 0025, Armenia; National Polytechnic University of Armenia, 105, Teryan St, Yerevan 0009, Armenia. )
The optical properties of a tandem three-layered structure of crystalline silicon-black silicon-perovskite have been theoretically studied for using it in solar energy conversion. The transfer matrix method is used for obtaining the analytical expressions for the reflection, transmission, and absorption coefficients. It is shown that the transfer matrix method can be successfully applied to the more complicated case of three layers with complex refractive indexes. Numerical calculations performed at an angle of incidence of radiation of 60o showed that in the region of short wavelengths the reflection coefficient takes on low values (several percent), which gradually increase and become > 10% at wavelengths above 0.8 μm. The theoretically modeled results of the reflection coefficient are in good agreement with experimental data carried out for the structures crystalline silicon-black silicon-TiO2-perovskite. The discrepancy between the experimental and model data slowly increases with increasing wavelength. The transmittance was extremely low and increased slowly with the increasing wavelength. It is found that cheaper and easier created tandem crystalline silicon-black silicon-perovskite structure may have the potential for solar energy conversion.
Perovskite; Black silicon; Transfer matrix method; Optical properties; Solar cellFull Text
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