The Effect of Ultrasonic Cavitation on Surficial Properties of Metals and Industrial Processes
Haitao Zheng ( Energy Centre, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), POBOX 395, Pretoria 0001, South Africa. )
Mkhulu Mathe ( University of South Africa (Unisa) Florida Campus, 28 Pioneer Ave, Florida Park, Roodepoort 1709, South Africa. )
Ultrasonic cavitation is a phenomenon that occurs when high-frequency sound waves are introduced into a liquid medium, causing the formation and collapse of small bubbles within the liquid. These bubbles generate high-energy shock waves that can change the surface of nearby materials, leading to various physical and chemical effects. In this review, we briefly summarized the influence of ultrasonic cavitation on the surficial properties of metals and some industrial processes, particularly focusing on the effects of surface roughness, surface cleaning, and surface activation/modification and surface corrosion.
Ultrasonic; Cavitation; Effect; Metal; Industrial processFull Text
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