Research on the Detection Countermeasures of Building Concrete Raw Materials
Bogdan Gradinaru ( Gheorghe Asachi Tech Univ Iasi, Fac Civil Engn & Bldg Serv, Iasi 700050, Romania )
The quality of concrete directly determines the quality, service life and safety of the building, so it is necessary to use concrete materials of excellent quality and performance in the building construction process. In addition to the production process of concrete, which directly affects its performance, the influence of raw materials is very significant. Nowadays, the production process has become more standardised and mechanised, so special attention needs to be paid to the influence of raw materials in the process of making concrete.Based on this, the article will focus on the analysis of countermeasures for the testing of raw materials for construction concrete. By the testing of raw materials, the selection of more suitable raw materials for making concrete, helps to improve the strength and quality of the concrete.The article begins with an analysis of the key points of concrete raw material testing, analysing the considerations in the selection and testing of fly ash, water, stone, cement, sand and admixtures; then analyses several methods of testing raw materials for construction concrete, such as backfill method, ultra-deep rebound synthesis method, post-loading pull-out method and core drilling method, which have their own advantages and disadvantages and need to be selected reasonably according to the testing requirements; finally proposes a few measures to increase the quality of construction concrete.
Concrete; Raw materials; TestingFull Text
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