Green Chemistry Advancement: Unravelling Dye Removal Potential Using Nitrogen-Doped Palm Oil Mill Effluent Sludge-Biochar as Peroxydisulfate Activator
Aida Humaira Sallehuddin ( Universiti Kuala Lumpur Institute of Medical Science Technology, 43000, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. )
Sabrina Karim ( Environmental Healthcare Research Cluster. Section of Environmental Healthcare, Universiti Kuala Lumpur Institute of Medical Science Technology, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. )
Abbas F. Mubarek Al Karkhi ( Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School, Jalan Gurney, Kampung Datuk Keramat, 54000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. )
Mohamad Ali Ahmad ( School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. )
Transition metal-based homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysts have been studied for activating persulfate and shown to be a good alternative for the activation of persulfate in organic pollutant recalcitrants. Nevertheless, a significant problem with these catalysts is the secondary contamination due to metal leaching during the process. Therefore, researchers have drawn their attention to nitrogen-doped biochar as a promising alternative persulfate activator due to its lower cost and being more environmentally friendly. In this study, the researchers focused on synthesising nitrogen-doped biochar from Palm Oil Mill Effluent sludge (POS). In Malaysia, POS generated an average of 2.2 million tonnes annually and was disposed of and utilised as fertiliser, indirectly creating secondary soil pollution. Various studies have reported the feasibility of Palm Oil Mill Effluent sludge biochar (POSB) in removing inorganics; however, no research has investigated the efficacy of POSB as a peroxydisulfate (PDS). Recent studies suggest that POSB sludge can be effectively transformed into biochar using low-temperature pyrolysis, resulting in substantial yields. The POS was prepared through a simple pyrolysis process and doped with Urea at temperatures of 400°C and 700°C under nitrogen conditions and used to activate peroxydisulfate (PDS). This study was conducted based on three mass ratios of the urea-doped process, which were 25:75, 50:50, and 75:25 N-doped POSB. Based on surface morphology results, the incorporation of N-doping reagents into the raw biochar leads to the development of a more expansive porous structure and the N-doped POS biochar exhibited functional group peaks falling within the range of 1383 cm-1 to 1460 cm-1, signifying the existence of nitro compounds. POSB at 700 °C has greater catalytic activity than POSB at 400 °C. Dye was completely degraded within 180 minutes of reaction time using 1.0 g of 50:50 Urea-doped POSB at 700 °C, 6 mM PDS, and a pH 5 initial solution as the optimum operating parameters. The pseudo-second-order kinetic model accurately described the dye degradation kinetics. This research demonstrates the efficacy of non-metallic nitrogen-doped biochar as a green catalyst in removing dye in wastewater treatment technology and simultaneously reduces the disposal of POS onto soil that leads to soil pollution.
Nitrogen-doped biochar; Palm oil mill effluent’s sludge; Peroxydisulfate; Methylene blue; Advanced oxidation processes; Sulfate radicalFull Text
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Copyright © 2023 Aida Humaira Sallehuddin, Sabrina Karim, Abbas F. Mubarek Al Karkhi, Mohamad Ali Ahmad

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