Recent Advances in Photo-supercapacitor: A Mini Review
Muraina Abeeb Olalekan
Oluwaseun Adedokun ( Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, P.M.B 4000, Nigeria. )
Ismaila Taiwo Bello ( Department of Physics, College of Science, Engineering and Technology, University of South Africa, Johannesburg 1710, South Africa. )
Maroof Ayinde Kareem
Fong Kwong Yam ( School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. )
Radiant energy (solar energy) plays a vital role due to its continuous power supply and environmentally friendly in meeting the people’s energy demand. The need for an endless supply of energy, majorly through solar energy exploitation has driven the expansion and diversification of a device for proper energy storage. This review summarizes a photo-supercapacitor’s working mechanism. The classification of a supercapacitor was discussed and the advancements of the active components that makeup a photo-supercapacitor and the improvements on photo-supercapacitor in energy storage were highlighted. For the constant generation of electricity, Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and Supercapacitor are incorporated. The invention of hybridized dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC)-capacitors and DSSC-supercapacitors are crucial in energy storage processes, and the advancement in technology has triggered the creation of a photo-supercapacitor for efficient harvesting of energy and proper storage mechanisms. The intent of pairing a DSSC with a supercapacitor for conversion of energy and proper energy storage arose when dye molecules absorb radiant energy and the absorbed energy is transformed to electrical energy. The use of active components of a photo-supercapacitor will determine its conversion efficiency. The performance of active components of photo-supercapacitors such as dye, electrolyte, photoanode, and the counter electrode are the main factors that contribute to efficient conversion of energy to improve the photo-supercapacitor’s storage life.
DSSCs; Supercapacitor; Counter electrode; Photoanode; Sensitizers; Photo-supercapacitorFull Text
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Copyright © 2022 Oluwaseun Adedokun, Abeeb Olalekan, Ismail Taiwo Bello , Maroof Ayinde Kareem, Yam Fong Kwong

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