Nano-refraction Analysis for Advanced Materials: A Theoretical Roadmap for Quantum Computers
Hassan Kaatuzian ( Photonics Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran )
We are now in the beginning of quantum supremacy to build Quantum Computers (Q.C.). So, a theoretical roadmap is required. It seems experimental works in Q.C. is ahead, in comparison with theory. In this study, Nano-Refraction (N.R.), as basic concept in developing Quantum Photonic Computers (Q.P.C.), is defined and discussed. N.R., is quite different from classical macroscopic refraction. It plays major role in photon deflection, when it travels in few atomic layers from the boundary between two transparent materials. Specifically, when we’re looking for a theoretically intuitive explanation of how advanced materials work in atomic scales in atto-second regime. To explain N.R., mathematically, Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) may help. But QED, only can describe how N.R. occurs in Hilbert space and does not explain why it happens in Real space? Why attosecond optical pulses are squeezed in kilometers long optical fibers coiled in first reported development of Q.C. in 2020. Also, “Duality” has no reply in this area. For answering why?, in this paper, we’ll use Quantum Photonic (Q.P.) theoretical analysis. Q.P., is based on Bohmian mechanics with intuition physics belief and “Causality”. Bohm theory in shadow of Quantum Mechanics (Q.M.) has been mostly ignored and even boycotted during last 70 years. Q.P. corpuscular viewpoint of light, estimated both physically and mathematically with enough precision, that flight route of photons at first few molecular surfaces in boundary region is not refracted suddenly. As can be observed macroscopically in Snell’s refraction equation. But instead, N.R. is happened gradually in attosecond regime (figure 2). Finally, it asymptotes to macroscopic refraction, in large space-time scales according to “correspondence” principle. Errors in our theoretical analysis using Montecarlo time domain simulation, compared with experiments, always are much less than or at most five percent.
Nano-Refraction; Quantum Computer; Quantum Photonic Computer; Causality; Bohm Theory; Intuition Physics; Montecarlo Time Domain SimulationFull Text
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Copyright © 2020 Hassan Kaatuzian

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