基于SCI & SSCI期刊《Urban Forestry & Urban Greening》 探讨国际城市绿化研究动态
张新平 ( 西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 )
李皓 ( 西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 )
赵小宁 ( 商洛市气象局 )
雷蕾 ( 商洛市气象局 )
从现状、热点与趋势等维度系统分析了国际城市绿化主导期刊《Urban Forestry & Urban Greening》所发表的1382篇文章的文献计量学特征。结果表明:第一,国际城市绿化研究文献量呈快速增长趋势,学科交叉特征显著,美国、中国和欧洲部分国家是主要研究力量,初步形成了国际合作网络;第二,风景园林、雷达、治理、城镇化、重金属、调研、城市规划、美学偏好是国际城市研究的主要关键词族群,并识别出了热点关键词;第三,城市树木效益与成本评估、城市绿化数值模型、社会生态学与城市绿化的结合为国际城市绿化研究的主要方向。未来研究应该加强国际合作,深化学科交叉,紧贴生产实践,关注使用者意见,连通尺度上的断点,共建数据平台和完善学科体系。
绿色空间; 文献计量; 热点分析; 系统综述Full Text
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[3]张新平.景观用途棕地的识别评估及修复技术研究进展[J].陕西职业技术学院学报, 2016(4):45-48
[4]郑晓笛,吴熙.棕地再生中的生态思辨.中国园林, 2020,36(6):17-22.
[5]王得祥,张新平.城市森林建设理论与实践[M].杨凌:西北农林科技大学出版社, 2020.
[6]Urban Forestry & Urban Greening官方网站[EB/OL]. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/urban-forestry-and-urban-greening, 2020-7-30.
[7]CHEN C M, SONG M. Visualizing a Field of Research: A Methodology of Systematic Scientometric Reviews[J]. PLoS ONE, 2019,14(10):e0223994.
[8]陈悦,陈超美,刘则渊,等.CiteSpace知识图谱的方法论功能[J].科学学研究, 2015,33(2):242-253.
[9]Shuvo F K, Feng X Q, Akaraci S, et al. Urban green space and health in low and middle-income countries: A critical review[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2020,52:126662.
[10]张新平,王慧,李皓,等. 近30年城市森林研究热点与前沿——基于CiteSpace的知识图谱分析[J].中国城市林业, 2020,18(02):1-7.
[11]HIRSCH J E. An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output[J]. PNAS, 2005, 102(46): 16569-16572.
[12]TIJSSEN R J W, VISSER M S, VAN LEEUWEN T N. Benchmarking international scientific excellence: Are highly cited research papers an appropriate frame of reference?[J]. Scientometrics, 2002,54(3):381-397.
[14]刘春艳.基于知识图谱的电子期刊研究领域可视化分析[J].情报杂志, 2011,30(S2):84-85,89.
[15]LIN J, KROLL C N, NOWAK D J, et al. A review of urban forest modeling: Implications for management and future research[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019,43:126366.
[16]PANEERCHELVAM P T, MARUTHAVEERAN S, MAULAN S, et al. The use and associated constraints of urban greenway from a socioecological perspective: A systematic review[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019,47:126508.
[17]WU W J, YUN Y W, HU B. et al. Greenness, Perceived Pollution Hazards and Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence from China[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2020,56:126796.
[18]GOLDSTEIN, H., 2010. Multilevel Statistical Models, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 15–72. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470973394.
[2]段振军.基于Web of Science的国际城市绿化研究知识图谱分析[J].南方园艺, 2020,31(04):65-69.
[3]张新平.景观用途棕地的识别评估及修复技术研究进展[J].陕西职业技术学院学报, 2016(4):45-48
[4]郑晓笛,吴熙.棕地再生中的生态思辨.中国园林, 2020,36(6):17-22.
[5]王得祥,张新平.城市森林建设理论与实践[M].杨凌:西北农林科技大学出版社, 2020.
[6]Urban Forestry & Urban Greening官方网站[EB/OL]. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/urban-forestry-and-urban-greening, 2020-7-30.
[7]CHEN C M, SONG M. Visualizing a Field of Research: A Methodology of Systematic Scientometric Reviews[J]. PLoS ONE, 2019,14(10):e0223994.
[8]陈悦,陈超美,刘则渊,等.CiteSpace知识图谱的方法论功能[J].科学学研究, 2015,33(2):242-253.
[9]Shuvo F K, Feng X Q, Akaraci S, et al. Urban green space and health in low and middle-income countries: A critical review[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2020,52:126662.
[10]张新平,王慧,李皓,等. 近30年城市森林研究热点与前沿——基于CiteSpace的知识图谱分析[J].中国城市林业, 2020,18(02):1-7.
[11]HIRSCH J E. An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output[J]. PNAS, 2005, 102(46): 16569-16572.
[12]TIJSSEN R J W, VISSER M S, VAN LEEUWEN T N. Benchmarking international scientific excellence: Are highly cited research papers an appropriate frame of reference?[J]. Scientometrics, 2002,54(3):381-397.
[14]刘春艳.基于知识图谱的电子期刊研究领域可视化分析[J].情报杂志, 2011,30(S2):84-85,89.
[15]LIN J, KROLL C N, NOWAK D J, et al. A review of urban forest modeling: Implications for management and future research[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019,43:126366.
[16]PANEERCHELVAM P T, MARUTHAVEERAN S, MAULAN S, et al. The use and associated constraints of urban greenway from a socioecological perspective: A systematic review[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019,47:126508.
[17]WU W J, YUN Y W, HU B. et al. Greenness, Perceived Pollution Hazards and Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence from China[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2020,56:126796.
[18]GOLDSTEIN, H., 2010. Multilevel Statistical Models, 4th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 15–72. https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470973394.
Copyright © 2020 张新平, 李皓, 赵小宁, 雷蕾

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