The Role of Urban Planning in Urban Economic Development
Zijian Shao ( Tianjin Jinghai City Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Tianjin 301600 )
With the continuous improvement of our country's comprehensive national strength,under the background of the present era,our government departments are making great efforts to promote the con‐struction of urban spiritual civilization and the development process of urbanization,its ultimate goal is to effectively promote the all-round development of our country and ensure the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. From a practical point of view,urban planning is very important in the pro‐cess of urbanization construction,and the quality of this work will not only affect the effective utilization of urban space,it also affects the overall speed of economic development. The purpose of this study is to fur‐ther improve the quality of urban planning and promote the development of urban economy.
Urban planning; Urban economy; Development; Role; Problems and countermeasuresFull Text
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