张昱 ( 陕西省交通规划设计研究院 )
城市规划; 公众参与; 美国; 公众会议Full Text
[1]王郁.公众参与及美国城市规划制度的发展[J].城市规划, 2009,(6):70-72.
[2]陈志诚,曹荣林,朱兴平.国外城市规划公众参与及借鉴[J].城市问题, 2003,(5):72.
[3]任国岩.论公众参与城市规划[J].规划师, 2000,(5):73-75.
[4]陈军锋.谈论公众参与城市规划的研究分析[J].城市建设, 2010,(33):43.
[5]李国平,谭玉刚.试论城市管理中的公众参与及公众满意——基于某城市新区的问卷调查分析[J].中国城市经济, 2008,(8):28-33.
[6]刘淑妍.当前我国城市管理中公众参与的路径探索[J].同济大学学报, 2009,(3):85-90
[7]张波.浅析城市规划中的公众参与问题[J].科技向导, 2011,(3):61
[8]冯现学.对公众参与制度化的探索——深圳市龙岗区“顾问规划师制度”的构建[J].城市规划, 2003,(2):59-63.
[9]殷悦.推进公众有效参与城市规划——以上海为例[D].上海:同济大学硕士学位论文, 2004:23-48
[10]付健.城市规划中的公众参与权研究[D].吉林大学, 2013.
[11]陈振宇.城市规划中的公众参与程序研究D].上海交通大学, 2009.
[12]曹建春.当代中国城市规划中的公众参与研究[D].华东政法大学, 2012.
[13]刘琼.村庄规划全过程公众参与研究[D].西南石油大学, 2016.
[14]邹诚杰.公众参与城乡规划编制研究——以常熟市城市总体规划为例[D].南京理工大学, 2017.
[15]For a description of the experience of urban renewal in Detroit, see Thomas Sugrue, Origins of the Urban Crisis. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996.
[16]Martin Anderson, The Federal Bulldozer, (Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1964, McGraw-Hill Paperback edition, 1967), 225.
[17]Lane, Marcus B. 2005. Public Participation in Planning: An Intellectual History. Australian Geographer 36(3): 283-299.
[18]袁韶华,雷灵琰,翟鸣元.城市规划中公众参与理论的文献综述[J].经济师, 2010,(3):45-46.
[19]Arnstein, Sherry R. 1969. A Ladder Of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Institute of Planners 35(4):216-224.
[20]梁鹤年.公众(市民参与):北美的经验与教训.城市规划, 1999,(05).
[21]Danke, Gregory. 1983. Public Involvement: What, Why, How - Introduction. In Public Involvement and Social Impact Assessment, ed. Gregory A Danke, Margot W Garcia, and Jerome Delli Priscoli, 11-34. Boulder: Westview Press.
Thomas, John Clayton. 1995. Public Participation in Public Decisions: New Skills and Strategies for Public Managers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
[22]Laurian, Lucie, and Mary Margaret Shaw. 2008. Evaluation of Public Participation: The Practices of Certified Planners. Journal of Planning Education and Research 28(3):293-309.
[23]Beierle, Thomas C., Jerry Cayford. 2002. Democracy in Practice: Public Participation in Environmental Decisions. Washington D.C.: Resources for the Future.
[24]Tuler, Seth, and Thomas Webler. 1999. Voices from the Forest: What Participants Expect of a Public Participation Process. Society & Natural Resources An International Journal 12(5):437-453.
[25]Halvorsen, Kathleen E. 2003. Assessing the Effects of Public Participation. Public Administration Review 63(5):535-543.
[26]American Planning Association. 1992. Ethical Principles in Planning.
[27]American Planning Association.2005. AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
[28]United States Environmental Protection Agency.2018. Public Participation Guide: Introduction to Public Participation. Association.2000:3-7,73-83.
[29]Wikipedia. Lake_Lotawana. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Lotawana,_Missouri.2019.
[30]American FactFinder.
[31]邹诚杰.公众参与城乡规划编制研究——以常熟市城市总体规划为例[D].南京理工大学, 2017.
[32]Elaine Cogan. Successful Public Meetings[M]. American Planning.
[2]陈志诚,曹荣林,朱兴平.国外城市规划公众参与及借鉴[J].城市问题, 2003,(5):72.
[3]任国岩.论公众参与城市规划[J].规划师, 2000,(5):73-75.
[4]陈军锋.谈论公众参与城市规划的研究分析[J].城市建设, 2010,(33):43.
[5]李国平,谭玉刚.试论城市管理中的公众参与及公众满意——基于某城市新区的问卷调查分析[J].中国城市经济, 2008,(8):28-33.
[6]刘淑妍.当前我国城市管理中公众参与的路径探索[J].同济大学学报, 2009,(3):85-90
[7]张波.浅析城市规划中的公众参与问题[J].科技向导, 2011,(3):61
[8]冯现学.对公众参与制度化的探索——深圳市龙岗区“顾问规划师制度”的构建[J].城市规划, 2003,(2):59-63.
[9]殷悦.推进公众有效参与城市规划——以上海为例[D].上海:同济大学硕士学位论文, 2004:23-48
[10]付健.城市规划中的公众参与权研究[D].吉林大学, 2013.
[11]陈振宇.城市规划中的公众参与程序研究D].上海交通大学, 2009.
[12]曹建春.当代中国城市规划中的公众参与研究[D].华东政法大学, 2012.
[13]刘琼.村庄规划全过程公众参与研究[D].西南石油大学, 2016.
[14]邹诚杰.公众参与城乡规划编制研究——以常熟市城市总体规划为例[D].南京理工大学, 2017.
[15]For a description of the experience of urban renewal in Detroit, see Thomas Sugrue, Origins of the Urban Crisis. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996.
[16]Martin Anderson, The Federal Bulldozer, (Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1964, McGraw-Hill Paperback edition, 1967), 225.
[17]Lane, Marcus B. 2005. Public Participation in Planning: An Intellectual History. Australian Geographer 36(3): 283-299.
[18]袁韶华,雷灵琰,翟鸣元.城市规划中公众参与理论的文献综述[J].经济师, 2010,(3):45-46.
[19]Arnstein, Sherry R. 1969. A Ladder Of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Institute of Planners 35(4):216-224.
[20]梁鹤年.公众(市民参与):北美的经验与教训.城市规划, 1999,(05).
[21]Danke, Gregory. 1983. Public Involvement: What, Why, How - Introduction. In Public Involvement and Social Impact Assessment, ed. Gregory A Danke, Margot W Garcia, and Jerome Delli Priscoli, 11-34. Boulder: Westview Press.
Thomas, John Clayton. 1995. Public Participation in Public Decisions: New Skills and Strategies for Public Managers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
[22]Laurian, Lucie, and Mary Margaret Shaw. 2008. Evaluation of Public Participation: The Practices of Certified Planners. Journal of Planning Education and Research 28(3):293-309.
[23]Beierle, Thomas C., Jerry Cayford. 2002. Democracy in Practice: Public Participation in Environmental Decisions. Washington D.C.: Resources for the Future.
[24]Tuler, Seth, and Thomas Webler. 1999. Voices from the Forest: What Participants Expect of a Public Participation Process. Society & Natural Resources An International Journal 12(5):437-453.
[25]Halvorsen, Kathleen E. 2003. Assessing the Effects of Public Participation. Public Administration Review 63(5):535-543.
[26]American Planning Association. 1992. Ethical Principles in Planning.
[27]American Planning Association.2005. AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
[28]United States Environmental Protection Agency.2018. Public Participation Guide: Introduction to Public Participation. Association.2000:3-7,73-83.
[29]Wikipedia. Lake_Lotawana. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Lotawana,_Missouri.2019.
[30]American FactFinder.
[31]邹诚杰.公众参与城乡规划编制研究——以常熟市城市总体规划为例[D].南京理工大学, 2017.
[32]Elaine Cogan. Successful Public Meetings[M]. American Planning.
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