梅尔拜 ( 德国 )
传统通常被简单地描述为一种过去和一种静态的现象。这一观点可以被一些建筑和城市主义的支持者认 同,导致过去的文字形式和细节的稳定。对传统的社会分析承认,这是一种更为复杂、而不是静态的现象。与此同时, 传统发明的概念也被广泛地用于诋毁传统本身。本文背离了哈尔布瓦克斯的工作和随后对集体身份的研究,博伊德和里 奇森对双重继承理论的研究,对传统的普遍性,科恩对身份社会学的研究。这与传统的演变和发明方面的案例研究相结 合。本文介绍了改变和发明的激发社会凝聚力的传统的适用性,以及它们在设计中的使用如何应对社区认同。
记忆;真实性;历史、建筑;城市主义Full Text
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the Evolutionary Process. Chicago: University of Chicago
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Chipp, Herschel. 1970. Theories of Modern Art. Berkeley
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the growth of a new tradition. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
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Cambridge: Polity Press
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Hobsbawm, Eric; and Ranger, Terence (eds). 1983. The
Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University
John, Richard. 2001. Thomas Gordon Smith and the
Rebirth of Classical Architecture. London: Andreas Papadakis
Latham, Ian; and Swenarton, Mark (eds). 2002. Dixon
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Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mellor, David. 1998. Real Time II. London: Routledge.
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Value of
Campus Traditions Growth: The Journal of the
Association for Christians in Student Development, vol. 17,
Nora, Pierre. 1985. Between Memory and History: Les
Lieux de Mémoire. Representations, 26: 7-24. Berkeley.
Olick, Jeffrey; Vinitsky-Seroussi, Vered; and Levy,
David (eds). 2011. The Collective Memory Reader. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Pieper, Josef. 1994. Tradition: The Concept and Its Claim
Upon Us. Modern Age, vol. 36, 3: 217-228. Chicago.
Rossi, Aldo (trans.: Ghirardo, Diane; and Ockman,
Joan). 1982. The Architecture of the City. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press
Saint-Just, Louis Antoine. 1793. Rapport au nom du
Comité de Salut public: 1eroctobre. Paris: Bibliothèque de
l’Assemblée nationale.
Shils, Edward. 1981. Tradition. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Vidler, Anthony. 1976. The Third Typology. Oppositions
7, 4: 13-16. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
The Cygnet Press.
Aristotle (trans.: Stalley, R.; and Barker, E.). 2009.
Politics, Book 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Assmann, Aleida. 2012. Cultural Memory and Western
Civilization. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Bloch, Marc. 1925. Mémoire collective, tradition et
coutume: À propos d’un livre récent. La Revue de Synthèse.
Boyd, Robert; and Richerson, Peter. 1985. Culture and
the Evolutionary Process. Chicago: University of Chicago
Boyd, Robert; and Richerson, Peter. 2005. The Origin
and Evolution of Cultures. New York: Oxford University
Chipp, Herschel. 1970. Theories of Modern Art. Berkeley
CA: University of California Press.
Cohen, Anthony. 1985. The Symbolic Construction of
Community. London: Routledge.
Conrads, Ulrich. 1970. Programmes and Manifestos on
20th-Century Architecture. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT
Coser, Lewis (ed. and trans.). 1992. Maurice Halbwachs
on Collective Identity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Diderot, Denis; and d’Alembert, Jean. 1993.
Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts
et des métiers. Paris: Editions Flammarion.
Eliot, Thomas Stearns. 1919. Tradition and Individual
Talent. The Egoist, vol. VI, 4, September/December.
Farrell, Terry. 2004. Terry Farrell - Life and Work - Early
Years to 1981. London: Laurence King Publishing.
Farrell, Terry. 2008. Farrells HK: 16 Years of
Architecture from London to Hong Kong and Beyond.
Walloon Brabant: MCCM Ltd.Fernyhough, Charles. 2012. Pieces of Light: The New
Science of Memory. London: Profile Books.
García Lorca, Federico (trans. Kline, Dennis).
1933. Theory and Play of The Duende. https://www.
poetryintranslation.com (consulted on 10/09/2020).
Ghomeshi, Mohammed; Nikpour, Manour; and Jusan,
Mahmud. 2012. Evaluation of Conceptual Properties by
Laypersons in Residential
Façade Design. Arts and Design Studies, vol 3, 13-17.
International Institute for Science, Technology and Education.
Giddens, Anthony. 1991. The Consequences of Modernity.
Cambridge: Polity Press.
Giedion, Sigfried. 1941. Space, Time and Architecture:
the growth of a new tradition. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Harvard University Press.
Gowing, Lawrence; and Sylvester, David. 1990. The
Paintings of William Coldstream, 1908-87. London: Tate
Goya, José. 1999. Poetic Image and Tradition in Western
European Modernism. Comparative Literature and Culture,
vol. 1, 2, 1-10. West
Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press. Habermas,
Jürgen. 1987. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity.
Cambridge: Polity Press
Heelas, Paul; Lash, Scot; and Morris, Paul (eds). 1996.
Detraditionalisation. London: Blackwell.
Hobsbawm, Eric; and Ranger, Terence (eds). 1983. The
Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University
John, Richard. 2001. Thomas Gordon Smith and the
Rebirth of Classical Architecture. London: Andreas Papadakis
Latham, Ian; and Swenarton, Mark (eds). 2002. Dixon
Jones: Buildings and Projects 1959-2002. London: Right
Angle Publishing Ltd.
Le Corbusier (trans.: Etchells, Frank). 1923. Towards a
New Architecture. London: Architectural Press.
Lowenthal, David. 2015. The Past is a Foreign Country,
Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mellor, David. 1998. Real Time II. London: Routledge.
Morris, Morgan. 2018. Tradition with a Capital “T” : The
Value of
Campus Traditions Growth: The Journal of the
Association for Christians in Student Development, vol. 17,
Nora, Pierre. 1985. Between Memory and History: Les
Lieux de Mémoire. Representations, 26: 7-24. Berkeley.
Olick, Jeffrey; Vinitsky-Seroussi, Vered; and Levy,
David (eds). 2011. The Collective Memory Reader. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Pieper, Josef. 1994. Tradition: The Concept and Its Claim
Upon Us. Modern Age, vol. 36, 3: 217-228. Chicago.
Rossi, Aldo (trans.: Ghirardo, Diane; and Ockman,
Joan). 1982. The Architecture of the City. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press
Saint-Just, Louis Antoine. 1793. Rapport au nom du
Comité de Salut public: 1eroctobre. Paris: Bibliothèque de
l’Assemblée nationale.
Shils, Edward. 1981. Tradition. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Vidler, Anthony. 1976. The Third Typology. Oppositions
7, 4: 13-16. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
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