章颖芝 ( 上海财经大学金融学院 香港大学附属学院高级讲师、经济及商学部 )
2020年11月15日,东盟10国加上中日韩澳和纽西兰,一共15个国家签订区域全面经济伙伴协定; RCEP,这一协议将成为自由贸易协议中有史以来规模最大的一项。在RCEP的两大成员国中,中国和越南是少数在疫 情严峻的情况下仍能实现经济增长的国家。作为全球第二大经济体,中国的经济占比自然是最高的,主导性亦较强, 因此RCEP 被视为中国的经济势力范围。本文阐明了RCEP的内容,进展和机制,帮助我们了解中国的新战略。随着中 国学习多边组织并确定它们对国家的相对效用,中国有了新发现的财富和权力,再加上在区域和全球组织中的更多经 验,中国的政策精英们有了新的想法,并且对提出这些想法更有信心。
区域全面经济伙伴协定;国际关系;自由贸易协议;亚洲经济;中国经济金融Full Text
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[3]Deng, X., Tang, W., Zhu, H., & Xing, Z. (2023).
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[7]Park, C. Y., Petri, P. A., & Plummer, M. G. (2021).
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[8]Wang, C. (2023). Study on the Prospects for the
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[9]Zhang. (2021). US–China competition after RCEP.
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K. A. M. (2024). The Effects of the Regional Comprehensive
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Welfare. Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic
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[2]邓希炜. (2021). RCEP - 去全球化下的创举. 2021年 1月13日《香港信報》「龙虎山下」专栏.
[3]Deng, X., Tang, W., Zhu, H., & Xing, Z. (2023).
Influencing factors of China’s direct investment in RCEP
countries: evidence from panel quantile regression. Applied
Economics, 55(29), 3347-3364.
[4]Egger, P. H., Larch, M., & Yotov, Y. V. (2022).
Gravity estimations with interval data: Revisiting the impact
of free trade agreements. Economica, 89(353), 44-61.
[5]Gao, H. S., & Shaffer, G. (2021). The RCEP: Great
power competition and cooperation over trade. UC Irvine
School of Law Research Paper, (2021-09).
[6]Lo, S. S. H. (2024). The New Politics of Beijing–
Hong Kong Relations: Ideological Conflicts and Factionalism.
Hong Kong University Press.
[7]Park, C. Y., Petri, P. A., & Plummer, M. G. (2021).
The economics of conflict and cooperation in the Asia-pacific:
RCEP, CPTPP and the US-China trade war. East Asian
economic review, 25(3), 233-272.
[8]Wang, C. (2023). Study on the Prospects for the
Development of China, Japan and Korea Economic and Trade
Cooperation under RCEP. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol.
163, p. 03035). EDP Sciences.
[9]Zhang. (2021). US–China competition after RCEP.
East Asia Forum. 13 March 2021.
K. A. M. (2024). The Effects of the Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership on China’s Trade, Tariff Revenue and
Welfare. Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic
Fields, 15(3), 566-578.
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