A Statistical Analysis of the Energy Performance Characteristics for the Residential Building Stock in Jordan
Reham Alasmar ( Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom. )
Yair Schwartz ( Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom. )
Esfandiar Burman ( Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom. )
The residential sector is responsible for the consumption of 46% of the building’s total primary energy consumption in Jordan. The Jordanian housing stock will need to be significantly improved to meet the government’s commitment to reduce national emissions by 2050. This research aims to examine the available statistical data on residential buildings, to help better understand the current state of housing stock in Jordan and pave the way to generate a national housing stock model, as well as to identify opportunities in improving the energy efficiency of these buildings.
The study synthesised data from the Department of Statistics housing survey and the Jordan Green Building Council survey to investigate the Jordanian national housing stock. The aggregated data was examined using a descriptive statistical analysis method. The data was then merged to provide aggregated datasets with detailed building characteristics.
The study successfully characterized residential buildings archetypes and identified a range of typical thermal performance-related building characteristics (e.g., envelope properties, HVAC systems, lighting systems, etc.). The findings of the statistical analysis can be useful for policymakers in Jordan to gain insights into the current state of the housing stock, identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions and initiatives such as the improvement of regulatory building code requirements for energy efficiency.
Housing stock; Housing surveys; building physics; energy consumptionFull Text
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Copyright © 2023 Reham Alasmar, Yair Schwartz, Esfandiar Burman

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