Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort Investigation and Retrofitting Strategies for an Educational Building: Case Study in a Temperate Climate Zone
Cihan Turhan ( Energy Systems Engineering Department, Atılım University, Ankara, 06830, Turkey. )
Sanarya Ghazi ( Mechanical Engineering Department, Atılım University, Ankara, 06830, Turkey. )
In terms of global sustainable development, buildings are one of the largest energy consumers. Although technology advancements actively assist in constructing environmentally friendly buildings, educational buildings still consume a large amount of energy. On the other hand, establishing high-quality school structures is vital to give a high-quality education to future generations. Thermally comfortable zones aids physical and mental well-being of students. To this aim, this study considers to evaluate the possibility of improving energy efficiency and thermal comfort in educational buildings by making minor changes to the architecture rather than reconstructing. As a case study, a university building in a temperate climate zone is selected. Seven different retrofitting strategies including changing the window and frame types, adding a Trombe wall, replacing insulation materials, adding solar collectors, decreasing set temperature and airtightness and modification on lighting system are simulated in a dynamic building energy simulation tool. The results showed that adding rock wool insulating material reduced student discomfort hours by 17%. Furthermore, using a solar collector was the most expensive choice.
Energy Consumption; Economical analysis; Building Energy Simulation; Indoor Environment; Educational BuildingsFull Text
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Copyright © 2023 Cihan Turhan, Sanarya Ghazi

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