A Case Study for Small-Scale Vertical Wind Turbine Integrated Building Energy Saving Potential
Cihan Turhan ( Energy Systems Engineering Department, Atılım University, Ankara, 06830, Turkey. )
Yousif Abed Saleh Saleh ( Mechanical Engineering Department, Atılım University, Ankara, 06830, Turkey. )
https://doi.org/10.37155/2811- 0730-0301-5Abstract
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) is one type of wind machines, which is used nowadays to produce electricity. On the other hand, the VAWTs continue to evolve, driven by ongoing research, technological innovation, and the growing demand for clean and sustainable energy solutions. In terms of global sustainability, buildings prove to be major energy consumers. Even as technology advances to construct environmentally friendly buildings, various buildings are still contributors with high energy consumption. Novel systems are required to decrease energy consumption of today buildings. To this aim, this study offers an active solution by a renewable energy source in order to decrease energy consumption of an existing building. The novelty of the paper is designing three blades IceWind Turbine with arc angle of 112 degrees and an aspect ratio of 0.38 and integrating them to an existing building. A case building, occupied by a guard and used as a headquarters by soldiers on guard duty, in İstanbul Airport/Turkey is selected and 40 small-scale IceWind Turbines are integrated into the building via a dynamic building energy simulation tool and the results showed that total energy consumption of the case building is decreased by 9.3%. The outcome of this paper depicts that different design of the small-scale vertical wind turbines could be integrated to the building with higher energy saving potential.
IceWind turbine; Building energy efficiency; Energy consumption; Building energy simulation; Integrated energy systemsFull Text
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Copyright © 2024 Cihan Turhan, Yousif Abed Saleh Saleh

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