Green Infrastructure as a Strategy for Building Resilience Against Stormwater in Ibadan

Rasheed Sekore Busari ( Department of Technical Education (Building),Emmanuel Alayande University of Education,Oyo Nigeria )

Oludare Akeem Adedeji ( Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology,Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta,Nigeria )


Green Infrastructure provides cities with a wide range of benefits and solves myriads of problems facing the settlements. The study is aimed at examining the application of geospatial technologies to the environmental destruction problem facing Ibadan in the area of stormwater management. Data for the study were obtained from remote sensing, local observation and base map of the local governments making Ibadan core area. The data obtained were further validated using global positioning system for effective classification of the land uses and flooding classification. The analysis of the study made use of ArcGIS 10.3 and quantitative changes in land use pattern were obtained between 2000 and 2020 on a regular epoch of five years, Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The infill development of Ibadan has drastically reduced the green space from 37.64% in the year 2000 to 22.84% in the year 2020 and built up rose from 51.97% in the year 2000 to 69.04% in the year 2020 and absence of green infrastructure in high flood zones areas .The continuous decrease in the coverage of green infrastructure due to increase in anthropogenic activities has actually disrupted the structural integrity of the greens for environmental sustainability of the city and areas with high flood zones were not covered with any green infrastructure. It is therefore recommended that reduction in the built up and paved areas, and adequate green infrastructure management in the city can reduce the excessive stormwater in various settlement patterns of the city, and build resilience against this problem.



green infrastructure; Resilience; Geospatial technologies; Environmental destruction; Environmental sustainability; Structural integrity

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