Modification in the (NEN-)EN-ISO 7730 Model, with Regard of the Thermal Indoor Climate Assessment in Dutch Offices
Paul Roelofsen ( Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Landbergstraat 15, Delft, 2628 CE, The Netherlands )
Kaspar Jansen ( Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Landbergstraat 15, Delft, 2628 CE, The Netherlands )
Where previously the thermal indoor climate in a Dutch office was mainly assessed on the basis of sedentary activities, one must now also take into account activities associated with a higher metabolic rate to improve health by reducing sitting. This subject is receiving attention in the Netherlands; so also in the context of the Well certification of buildings for instance. Several studies show that the deviation between the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and the experimental results increases as the temperature and/or the activity increases. This technical note is a proposal to modify the calculation of the PMV for metabolisms up to 2.1 met, on the warm side of the thermal sensation scale, in the same way as Fanger describes in his thesis, using research results as they are currently available in the literature, excluding the adaptive thermal comfort aspect.
Mathematical modelling; thermal comfort; Indoor environmental quality; HVAC systems; WorkplaceFull Text
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Copyright © 2024 Paul Roelofsen, Kaspar Jansen

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