The Effect of Connections on the Global Response of Built-up Cold-formed Steel Beams with Corrugated Webs
Ioan Both ( Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Timisoara, Romania )
Florin Bodea ( Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Timisoara, Romania )
Viorel Ungureanu ( Politehnica University of Timisoara, Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics, Timisoara, Romania; Romanian Academy, Timisoara Branch, Laboratory of Steel Structures, Timisoara, Romania )
The objective of this paper is to quantify the slippage and rotation in the connections of a double fixed corrugated web beam. Two types of connections between the component parts of the built-up beam were used, i.e. MIG brazing and spot welding, which offer different rigidities and bearing capacities for the built-up beams. Experimental tests were conducted on three MIG brazed and two spot welded specimens, respectively. The test setup consisted of a six-point bending configuration which is equivalent to a uniform distributed load applied to the beam. The load was applied from a 500kN actuator through a leverage system that allowed the distribution of the force. An out-of-plane structure prevented the beam from lateral torsional buckling. The testing exhibited relatively large slippage and deformation in the bolted connections and in the supporting device, respectively. However, the high rigidity of the beam maintained the mid-span deflection in the serviceability limit state limits. The built-up corrugated web beams made of cold-formed steel profiles represent an efficient and suitable structural solution for buildings. Nevertheless, experimental research due to inevitable slippage and the endplate deformation must be performed to characterize the connection.
Built-up corrugated web beams; MIG brazing; Spot welding; Semi-rigid connection; Shear buckling; DeflectionFull Text
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