The Case of Ownership Regularization Process in Villa 20, Informal Settlement in Argentina

Tomas Reverter ( Coordinator of the Integral Reurbanization Process of Villa 20, City Housing, Institute (IVC). CP. 1439. Argentina. )

Marcela Costello ( Coordinator of the Integral Reurbanization Process of Villa 20, IVC. CP. 1439. Argentina. )

Rocio Molinari ( Technical manager of the land regularization project team of Villa 20. CP. 1439. Argentina. )

Lucia Llul ( Social manager of the land regularization project team of Villa 20. CP. 1439. Argentina. )


The aim of this research is to contribute to the knowledge on the policy of regularisation of the urban informal habitat. The study focuses on analysing the approach to the process of land regularisation implemented in Villa 20, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Based on the knowledge provided by those technically responsible for the implementation and by the social organisations involved, the study shows the complexity of the land regularisation process and the fundamental role played by the participatory process in developing new instruments and reaching agreements aimed at gradually advancing towards title deeds. The multiplicity of factors that exist to achieve the goal of titling all dwellings face political, legal, institutional, technical and social barriers. Particular emphasis is placed on the lack of regulatory interventions aimed at adapting constructed buildings to current urban planning regulations, and on the pre-eminence given to the title deed as the only validated instrument to accredit security of tenure. The approach to property regularisation carried out in Villa 20 focuses on addressing issues not contemplated in the regulations, through gradual actions of urban and property regulation. The recognition of rights, security of tenure and integration into the city's urban infrastructure make it possible to find tools capable of overcoming socio-territorial obstacles. The results and discussions proposed by this research aim to contribute to the improvement of public management of the problems of access to home ownership for important sectors of the population.


Informal settlements; Land tenure; Participatory process; Right to the city; Upgrading program; Urban development

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Copyright © 2024 Tomas Reverter, Marcela Costello, Rocio Molinari, Lucia Llul Creative Commons License Publishing time:2024-01-17
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