Characteristics and Evolution of Personality Theories
О. Мягмар
Э. Октябрьжаргал
The evolution of personality psychology theory has traversed a comprehensive journey, beginning with ancient humoral theory, and advancing towards the nuanced, multidimensional frameworks of contemporary psychology. Gordon Allport laid foundational groundwork by de¿ning personality and proposing various classi¿cations, paving the way for the bifurcation into trait classi¿cations and type theories. This article delves into the development of these dominant perspectives and highlights the pivotal role of the Five-Factor Model and Carl Jung’s psychological type theory in enhancing our comprehension of individual differences and their underlying psychodynamics. Further, it scrutinizes the challenges confronting personality research,such as cultural disparities and trait stability. It underscores the necessity for future inquiries to probe into the biological underpinnings of personality traits and their implications on behavior, emotions, and mental health.This exploration aims to underscore the signi¿cance and diversity of personality theories in elucidating human behavior and psychological processes.
Personality Theory Development, Psychological Type, Jung’s Theory, MBTIFull Text
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