Research on the Instructional Design of Physics Learning Progression Based on “Teaching-Learning-Assessment” Alignment: A Case Study of “Horizontal Projectile Motion”
Chen Zhong ( College of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China )
With the continuous development of new educational assessment paradigm, the alignment of “Teaching-Learning-Assessment” has become a focus of attention. This paper defnes the concepts of “Teaching- Learning-Assessment” alignment and “Learning Progression”, and analyzes the intersection of the two. Taking the theme of “Horizontal Projectile Motion” in People’s Education Press highschool physics as an example, based on the curriculum standard, teachers try to construct a teaching model and assessment framework of physics Learning Progression based on the alignment of “Teaching-Learning-Assessment”, to analyze the core literacy of the physics discipline, and to promote the effective teaching and learning in highschool physics classrooms.
“Teaching-Learning-Assessment” alignment; Learning Progression; Instructional designFull Text
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