An Examination of The Impacts Of Outdoor Education Programs
Xiaoming Yang ( 1. Department of Sports Studies, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, )
Shamsulariffin Samsudin ( Department of Sports Studies, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 43400, Selangor, Malaysia )
Noor Hamzani Farizan ( Defense Fitness Academy, National Defense University of Malaysia,57000 sungai besi camp, Kuala Lumpur )
Sam Shor Nahar Yaakob ( Department of Nature Parks and Recreation, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, 43400,Selangor, Malaysia )
The review of the outcomes in this field primarily reveals factors that have impacted outdoor education programs and other relevant historical research is included. The objectives of this review are to elaborate on the outcomes of the outdoor education programs for students’ personal development. The review shows the outcomes of outdoor education programs included definitions, philosophy, pedagogy, outcomes, and future perspective of outdoor education has existed as a recognized subject of study in programs but using outdoor experiences and activities as part of programs. In summary, the evidence of the results obtained by the participants in the outdoor education program has a positive impact on their personality development, and all programs that utilize the concept of outdoor education programs based on the information presented can have an impact on participants and operators of outdoor education programs. The implications of these findings can provide a clear picture for researchers in the field of outdoor education in conducting empirical studies to prove that outdoor education programs are one of the most comprehensive programs in fostering individual positive impacts and developing the good character of humans.
Outdoor education; Philosophy; Pedagogy; OutcomesFull Text
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Copyright © 2024 Yang Xiaoming, Shamsulariffin Samsudin, Noor Hamzani Farizan, Sam Shor Nahar Yaakob

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