Exploration of Experience of Trainee Integrative Psychotherapists with Remote Counselling in Their Internship during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Vaitsa Giannouli ( Mediterranean College & Derby University, Thessaloniki, Greece )
Diamantia Symeonidou ( Mediterranean College & Derby University, Thessaloniki, Greece )
The emotional, social, and mental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is well established. So far little attention has been paid to trainee psychotherapists during this challenging period. This study explores the experiences of trainee integrative psychotherapists, when they had to switch to online psychotherapy via videoconferencing with their clients in the beginning of their internship due to the quarantine. Following the qualitative paradigm six trainee psychotherapists participated voluntarily. Semi-structured interviews were conducted online to investigate in depth their experiences. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and were analyzed by the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method. Four master themes were identified from the narratives which refer to the quarantine, the challenges of the online framework, being a trainee therapist and the advantages of the online framework. The first three master themes are divided into subordinate themes. Findings were compared and discussed based on the existing literature. The pandemic created a lot of free time, which the trainees dedicated to their studying. Participants were trained to the online psychotherapy throughout the process, as they were unprepared for the sudden change. Most of them presented hesitant with negative attitudes toward online psychotherapy via videoconferencing but over time participants changed. They became more experienced and strengthened their image as therapists. In this process, the supervisor had an essential role. Findings strongly indicate and support the necessity of training online according to the existing literature.
COVID-19 pandemic; Trainee integrative psychotherapists; Video conferencingFull Text
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