Therapeutic Alliance and Treatment Outcomes Among Treatment Seekers with Behavioral Expressions of Addiction: A Preliminary Study
Ryan Hing-yan Wong ( Tung Wah Group of Hospitals )
Elda Mei-Lo Chan ( St. John's Cathedral Counseling Service )
Fung Yee Ching ( Tung Wah Group of Hospitals )
Vanice W.Y. Chan ( Tung Wah Group of Hospitals )
Matthew A. Tom ( Cambridge Health Alliance )
Alessandra B. Grossman
Alexander S. LaRaja
Karen A. Amichia
Howard J. Shaffer
Therapeutic alliance (TA) refers to the quality of the working relationship between a therapist and client. Clinicians and researchers have long hypothesized that the TA is an instrumental aspect of psychotherapy (Martin et al., 2000; Del Re et al., 2012). Given the considerable overlap between behavioral and chemical expressions of addiction, and previous TA research with chemical addiction, it is important to consider how TA is associated with those seeking treatment for behavioral expressions of addiction. This study evaluates the impact of TA on addiction treatment outcomes among those seeking care at a treatment center designed to care for a variety of addiction expressions and other mental health disorders. We successfully recruited 346 treatment seekers (i.e., 72.1% of eligible treatment seekers) from the pool of treatment seekers at three clinical addiction service locations. This study advances the field and contributes novel findings by including a diverse group of addiction treatment-seekers. The results provide partial support for the following hypothesis: A more favorable TA from the client’s point of view at intake is associated with reductions of the addictive behavior despite negative consequences at termination. We suggest that clients need to develop, recognize, and maintain a strong TA with their treatment provider early in the treatment process, to maximize the effectiveness of such treatment.
addiction; Hong Kong; syndrome model; therapeutic alliance; treatment seekersFull Text
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Copyright © 2024 Ryan Hing-yan Wong, Elda Mei-Lo Chan, Fung Yee Ching, Vanice W.Y. Chan, Matthew A. Tom, Alessandra B. Grossman, Alexander S. LaRaja, Karen A. Amichia, Howard J. Shaffer

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