Breast Cancer and Family Support Scale: Validation of the Greek Version

D Charos


The family support scale (FS-12) was designed to assess family support patients with chronic diseases. The aim of this particular study was to validate the psychometric properties of the FS- 12 scale in the Greek language. The study involved 130 patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The FS-12 scale was translated and culturally weighted to be used in the Greek language.  Analyzes performed were to check reliability, validity and convergent validity. The weighted FS-12 scale had a good Cronbach α index (α = 0.77) and strong split-half reliability index (Spearman-Brown= 0.729, Guttman Split Haft= 0.728). Factor analysis was performed using principal component factor analysis. Based on the results of the study, the FS12-GR scale is a valuable tool to assess the family support of the breast cancer patient.


FS-12, family support, breast cancer

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Copyright © 2024 Dimitrios Charos, Maria Andriopoulou, Katerina Lykeridou, Anna Deltsidou, Giannoula Kyrkou, Victoria Vivilaki Creative Commons License Publishing time:2024-09-06
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