Building International Capacity for an Inclusive Special Education
Marion Felder ( University of Applied Sciences, Koblenz, Germany )
Mack D. Burke ( Baylor University )
Bernd Ahrbeck ( International Psychoanalytical University Berlin )
January Basela ( University of Dodoma )
Staphord Chalamaganza ( Patandi Teachers' College )
Alida Sebastian Kauki ( Patandi Teachers' College )
Ignasia Mligo ( University of Dododma )
Alphoncina Pembe ( University of Dododma )
Katrin Schneiders ( Koblenz University of Applied Scienes )
Gunvor Birkeland Wilhelmsen
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) plays a pivotal role in guiding the capacity building, systems change, and shaping inclusionary school reform initiatives for students with disabilities. This paper explores the impact, perspectives, and implications of using the CRPD framework across three countries—Germany, Tanzania, and the United States—each representing distinct educational systems and frameworks. Varied approaches to responding to the CRPD, inclusionary school reforms, and special education are examined at the local level within these nations, highlighting the unique challenges and issues encountered. The paper investigates critical issues surrounding inclusive education reform, with a particular emphasis on the debate over full inclusion and its implications for special education practices. By reviewing disability and inclusion issues in these diverse settings, this paper underscores the complexities of implementing inclusive special education policies that effectively include students with disabilities while considering sociocultural and national contexts.
Inclusion; Special education; Inclusive special education; CRPD; Education reformFull Text
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Copyright © 2025 Marion Felder , Mack D. Burke, Bernd Ahrbeck, January Basela, Staphord Chalamaganza, Alida Sebastian Kauki, Ignasia Mligo, Alphoncina Pembe, Katrin Schneiders, Gunvor Birkeland Wilhelmsen

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