Editorial of Vol 3 No 1

Garry Hornby



The  articles  in  this  issue  of  Psychology  Research  and  Practice originate  from  several very different  countries  and  address  a  wide  range  of  topics  for  which  theory  and  research  in  psychology  provide  guidelines for  improving  practice  in  various  aspects  of  human  endeavour. The  first  article,  by Jie and Guangqian,  investigated factors affecting identity status among Chinese rural laborers. The  second  article,  by  Son,  Hong,  Tae,  Kim and Lee, investigated the role of over-confidence and under-confidence in retrospective time estimation for participants from South Korea and the USA. The  third  article, by Liu, Zhou and Jiang examined the influence of career adaptability of Chinese participants on two organizational outcome variables, namely, job performance and turnover intention, through the mediating effect of personal-organization fit and the moderating effect of seniority. The  fourth  article,  by Hornby and Pilgrim,  examined eight components of proposed education reform in Barbados that are based on evidence from the field of educational psychology found in the international research literature on effective education systems. The  fifth  article, by Thapaliya, Rana, Yadu, Adhikari and Prasad,  explored faculty members’ perspectives on the use of information and communication technology for teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions in Nepal.

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