基于Web of Science集束化护理研究热点的可视化分析
李景余 ( 潍坊医学院护理学院 )
臧丽丽 ( 潍坊医学院护理学院 )
吕慧静 ( 潍坊医学院护理学院 )
孟庆慧 ( 潍坊医学院护理学院 )
目的: 分析近十年国际集束化护理领域的研究热点,探索研究的现状和发展趋势。 方法: 运用Citespace 软件对Web of Science核心合集数据库2011至2020年收录的1196篇关于集束化护理的文献进行可视化分析。 结果: 近 十年集束化护理领域发文量呈上升趋势,发文量排名前三位国家为美国、英国、澳大利亚,发文量最多的机构为密歇 根大学;高频关键词为死亡、预防、管理、重症监护室等;关键词共现聚类分析得出脓毒症、手卫生、呼吸机相关肺 炎、感染等4个国际研究热点。 结论: 近年来集束化护理领域受到持续关注,主要集中在欧美发达国家,建议循着本 研究得出的热点,探寻适合国内相关疾病的集束化护理策略,以推进我国集束化护理研究的发展。
集束化护理;研究热点;可视化分析;知识图谱Full Text
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[20] Berenholtz SM, Pham JC, Thompson DA, et al.
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[21] Patel PK, Olmsted RN, Hung L, et al. A Tiered
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[ 2 4 ] P a t e l P K , O l m s t e d R N , H u n g L , e t a l .
A Tiered Approach for Preventing Central LineAssociated Bloodstream Infection[J]. Ann Intern Med,
[25] Atilla A, Doğanay Z, Çelik HK, et al. Central lineassociated bloodstream infections in the intensive care unit:
importance of the care bundle[J]. Korean J Anesthesiol,
effective strategies for the implementation of care bundles
on ICUs: a systematic review[J]. Implement Sci, 2015,
10(1):119.[2] Lavallée JF, Gray TA, Dumville J, et al. The effects
of care bundles on patient outcomes: a systematic review and
meta-analysis[J]. Implement Sci.,2017,12(1):142.
[3] Chen C . CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing
emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific
literature[J]. J Assoc for Inf Sci Technol,2006,57(3):359-377.
[4]Salomão R, Ferreira BL, Salomão MC, et al. Sepsis:
evolving concepts and challenges[J]. Braz J Med Biol
[5] Thompson K, Venkatesh B, Finfer S. Sepsis and
septic shock: current approaches to management[J]. Intern
Med J,2019,49(2):160-170.
[6] Purcarea A, Sovaila S. Sepsis, a 2020 review for the
internist[J]. Rom J Intern Med,2020,58(3):129-137.
[7] Hunt A. Sepsis: an overview of the signs, symptoms,
diagnosis, treatment and pathophysiology[J]. Emerg Nurse,
[8] Bleakley G, Cole M. Recognition and management of
sepsis: the nurse's role[J]. Br J Nurs,2020,29(21):1248-1251.
[9] Rhodes A, Phillips G, Beale R, et al. The Surviving
Sepsis Campaign bundles and outcome: results from the
International Multicentre Prevalence Study on Sepsis (the
IMPreSS study). Intensive Care Med,2015,41(9):1620-1628.
[10] Levy MM, Evans LE, Rhodes A. The Surviving
Sepsis Campaign Bundle: 2018 Update[J]. Crit Care
[11] Vermeil T, Peters A, Kilpatrick C, et al. Hand
hygiene in hospitals: anatomy of a revolution. J HosP
[12] Gammon J, Hunt J. COVID-19 and hand
hygiene: the vital importance of hand drying. Br J
[13] Suchomel M, Eggers M, Maier S, et al. Evaluation
of World Health Organization-Recommended Hand Hygiene
Formulations[J]. Emerg Infect Dis,2020,26(9):2064-2068.
[14] Pincock T, Bernstein P, Warthman S, et al.
Bundling hand hygiene interventions and measurement to
decrease health care-associated infections[J]. Am J Infect
Control,2012,40(4 Suppl 1):S18-S27.
[15] Chou T, Kerridge J, Kulkarni M, et al.
Changing the culture of hand hygiene compliance using
a bundle that includes a violation letter[J]. Am J Infect
[16] Talbot GH, Das A, Cush S, et al. Evidence-Based
Study Design for Hospital-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia
and Ventilator-Associated Bacterial Pneumonia[J]. J Infect
[17] Osman S, Al Talhi YM, AlDabbagh M, et al,
Azzam M. The incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia
(VAP) in a tertiary-care center: Comparison between preand post-VAP prevention bundle[J]. J Infect Public Health,
[18] Wu D, Wu C, Zhang S, Zhong Y. Risk Factors of
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically III Patients[J].
Front Pharmacol,2019,10:482.
[19] Rello J, Lode H, Cornaglia G, et al. A European care
bundle for prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia[J].
Intensive Care Med, 2010,36(5):773-780.
[20] Berenholtz SM, Pham JC, Thompson DA, et al.
Collaborative cohort study of an intervention to reduce
ventilator-associated pneumonia in the intensive care unit[J].
Infect Control HosP Epidemiol,2011,32(4):305-314.
[21] Patel PK, Olmsted RN, Hung L, et al. A Tiered
Approach for Preventing Central Line-Associated
Bloodstream Infection[J]. Ann Intern Med,2019,171(7-
[22] Park S, Moon S, Pai H, et al. Appropriate duration
of peripherally inserted central catheter maintenance to
prevent central line-associated bloodstream infection[J]. PLoS
[23] Baier C, Linke L, Eder M, et al. Incidence, risk
factors and healthcare costs of central line-associated
nosocomial bloodstream infections in hematologic and
oncologic patients[J]. PLoS One, 2020,15(1):e0227772.
[ 2 4 ] P a t e l P K , O l m s t e d R N , H u n g L , e t a l .
A Tiered Approach for Preventing Central LineAssociated Bloodstream Infection[J]. Ann Intern Med,
[25] Atilla A, Doğanay Z, Çelik HK, et al. Central lineassociated bloodstream infections in the intensive care unit:
importance of the care bundle[J]. Korean J Anesthesiol,
Copyright © 2022 李景余,臧丽丽,吕慧静,孟庆慧

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License