肖龙海 ( 浙江大学教育学院 )
黄逸舒 ( 浙江大学教育学院 )
STEM教学; 中美比较; 课堂录像分析Full Text
[1]江丰光,吕倩如.STEM教师教学反思日志分析研究[J].开放教育研究, 2017,23(03):80-86.
[2]Sutaphan, S., Yuenyong, C. STEM education teaching approach: Inquiry from the context based[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019,1340:12003-12021.
[3](美)阿尔帕斯兰·沙欣(编);侯奕杰,朱玉冰,殷杰等(译).基于实践的STEM教学模式:STEM学生登台秀[M].上海:上海科技教育出版社, 2016.
[4]潘星竹,姜强,黄丽,等.“支架+”STEM教学模式设计及实践研究——面向高阶思维能力培养[J].现代远距离教育, 2019(03):56-64.
[5]Forawi, S. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education: Meaningful learning contexts and frameworks[C]// IEEE Sudan subsection. Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Computer, Control, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering (ICCCEEE). Khartoum, Sudan: IEEE, 2018:1-4.
[6]Sanders, M. Integrative stem education as best practice[M]// H. Middleton. Explorations of Best Practice in Technology, Design, & Engineering Education: Vol 2. Queensland, Australia: Griffith Institute for Educational Research, 2012:103-117.
[7]Dickerson, D.L., Cantu, D.V., Hathcock, S.J. et al. Instrumental STEM(iSTEM): An Integrated STEM Instructional Model[M]// Annetta L., Minogue J. Connecting Science and Engineering Education Practices in Meaningful Ways. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016:139-168.
[8]谢丽,李春密.整合性STEM教育理念下的课程改革初探[J].课程.教材.教法, 2017(6):63-68.
[9]Wheeler, L. B., Navy, S. L., Maeng, et al. Development and validation of the classroom observation protocol for engineering design (COPED)[J]. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2019,56(9),1285-1305.
[10]Smith, M. K., Francis, H. M. J., Gilbert, S. L. et al. The classroom observation protocol for undergraduate STEM (COPUS): A new instrument to characterize university STEM classroom practices[J]. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2013,12(4):618-627.
[11]宋怡,崔雨涵,马宏佳.美国K-12整合性STEM教育框架:理念、课程路径与支持系统[J].当代教育论坛, 2020(02):65-75.
[12]张丰.STEM:深刻影响基础教育改革与发展的观念与实践——美国STEM教育考察报告[J].上海教育科研, 2020(04):5-11.
[13]闫寒冰,王巍.跨学科整合视角下国内外STEM课程质量比较与优化[J].现代远程教育研究, 2020,32(02):39-47.
[14]胡红杏.项目式学习:培养学生核心素养的课堂教学活动[J].兰州大学学报(社会科学版), 2017,45(06):165-172.
[15]Evans M A , Schnittka C, Jones B D , et al. Studio STEM: A Model to Enhance Integrative STEM Literacy Through Engineering Design[M]// Connecting Science and Engineering Education Practices in Meaningful Ways. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016:107-137.
[16]刘徽.“大概念”视角下的单元整体教学构型——兼论素养导向的课堂变革[J].教育研究, 2020,41(06):64-77.
[18]Shulman, L. Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching[J]. Educational Researcher, 1986,15(2):4-14.
[20]高巍,刘瑞,范颖佳.培养卓越STEM教师:美国UTeach课程体系及启示[J].开放教育研究, 2019,25(02):36-43.
[2]Sutaphan, S., Yuenyong, C. STEM education teaching approach: Inquiry from the context based[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019,1340:12003-12021.
[3](美)阿尔帕斯兰·沙欣(编);侯奕杰,朱玉冰,殷杰等(译).基于实践的STEM教学模式:STEM学生登台秀[M].上海:上海科技教育出版社, 2016.
[4]潘星竹,姜强,黄丽,等.“支架+”STEM教学模式设计及实践研究——面向高阶思维能力培养[J].现代远距离教育, 2019(03):56-64.
[5]Forawi, S. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education: Meaningful learning contexts and frameworks[C]// IEEE Sudan subsection. Proceedings of 2018 International Conference on Computer, Control, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering (ICCCEEE). Khartoum, Sudan: IEEE, 2018:1-4.
[6]Sanders, M. Integrative stem education as best practice[M]// H. Middleton. Explorations of Best Practice in Technology, Design, & Engineering Education: Vol 2. Queensland, Australia: Griffith Institute for Educational Research, 2012:103-117.
[7]Dickerson, D.L., Cantu, D.V., Hathcock, S.J. et al. Instrumental STEM(iSTEM): An Integrated STEM Instructional Model[M]// Annetta L., Minogue J. Connecting Science and Engineering Education Practices in Meaningful Ways. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016:139-168.
[8]谢丽,李春密.整合性STEM教育理念下的课程改革初探[J].课程.教材.教法, 2017(6):63-68.
[9]Wheeler, L. B., Navy, S. L., Maeng, et al. Development and validation of the classroom observation protocol for engineering design (COPED)[J]. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2019,56(9),1285-1305.
[10]Smith, M. K., Francis, H. M. J., Gilbert, S. L. et al. The classroom observation protocol for undergraduate STEM (COPUS): A new instrument to characterize university STEM classroom practices[J]. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2013,12(4):618-627.
[11]宋怡,崔雨涵,马宏佳.美国K-12整合性STEM教育框架:理念、课程路径与支持系统[J].当代教育论坛, 2020(02):65-75.
[12]张丰.STEM:深刻影响基础教育改革与发展的观念与实践——美国STEM教育考察报告[J].上海教育科研, 2020(04):5-11.
[13]闫寒冰,王巍.跨学科整合视角下国内外STEM课程质量比较与优化[J].现代远程教育研究, 2020,32(02):39-47.
[14]胡红杏.项目式学习:培养学生核心素养的课堂教学活动[J].兰州大学学报(社会科学版), 2017,45(06):165-172.
[15]Evans M A , Schnittka C, Jones B D , et al. Studio STEM: A Model to Enhance Integrative STEM Literacy Through Engineering Design[M]// Connecting Science and Engineering Education Practices in Meaningful Ways. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016:107-137.
[16]刘徽.“大概念”视角下的单元整体教学构型——兼论素养导向的课堂变革[J].教育研究, 2020,41(06):64-77.
[18]Shulman, L. Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching[J]. Educational Researcher, 1986,15(2):4-14.
[20]高巍,刘瑞,范颖佳.培养卓越STEM教师:美国UTeach课程体系及启示[J].开放教育研究, 2019,25(02):36-43.
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